I know... you're wondering if you're reading the right blog, since this is layout seems like it's coming from way out in left field. Let's just say I was issued a challenge to work with these papers from Reminisce, and Jan 25th was "National Opposites Day". :) Not a lot of detail shots - I think this style pretty much speaks for itself *snicker*

PP - Reminisce
cork - Karen Foster
letters - American Crafts
ink - Ranger (yes it's there - look for it *snort*)
pen - Sakura Pigma Micron
other - unknown cardstock
LOL...so not you! But I do like it!
I agree not you but love it nevertheless! I especially love your "label" who are you and what did you do with JJ!!!!!!!! BWHAHAH to funny!
JJ, this LO is beautiful!! Love the gears! Pic is too darn cute!!
Girl I have an award for you on my blog.... http://mymadkow.typepad.com/mymadkow/
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