One Good Thing that happened this week is that I have decided to take control of my Starbucks addition. This addiction has been a contributor to my recent weight gain, so if I want to be more healthy, I need to drink fewer and smaller Peppermint Mocha's!
I have cut back a size, down to a Mezzo (Tall) from a Grande. And I have asked them to hold the whip cream. This has effectively cut the caffeine in half, the calories in half, and taken an 80% cut out of the fat content.
I feel good about this change because I feel it is do-able. I don't feel deprived, and that will make it so much easier to continue, and to work towards the next step.
I am happy about this.
MMMM I love peppermint mochas to. I switched to sugar free latte's0 and put a little cinnamon on top- so it cuts down on the calories but I still end up spending too much on them!
I love this LO...why isn't it in the gallery at KT??? I love it.
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