Saturday, February 21, 2009

Please Stand By...

Why no new posts for the last couple of weeks? Good question. And I actually have a (reasonably) good answer!

Teething baby. *sigh* Baby don't sleep, don't nobody sleep.

Which means my blog, among other things, has not been at the top of my list. However, I'm working on installing a new template, and a new look. There may be a few glitches before I'm done, but we'll get there. Some of my sidebar items may disappear in the interim, but they'll be back. And I'm going to get back to regular blogging this week. I have some projects to show, and a tutorial to post as well.

Thanks for sticking with me!

1 comment:

Tracey Taylor said...

HUGS! This soon will pass....small consilation right now, I know.